Scottish cinemas on Twitter
Looking for the latest programme announcements or news on special screenings from your local cinema? We've compiled a list of cinemas around Scotland who have embraced Twitter and who are worth adding to your timeline.
You can also subscribe to the full list on Twitter.
Have we missed any? Leave a comment below, email us or send us a tweet to let us know.
An Lanntair, Stornoway - @anlanntair
Belmont Filmhouse, Aberdeen - @BelmontFH
The Birks Cinema, Aberfeldy - @BirksCinema
Cameo Cinema, Edinburgh - @CameoCinema
CCA Glasgow - @CCA_Glasgow
Cineworld, Edinburgh - @CineworldEdin
Dominion Cinema, Edinburgh - @DominionCinema
Dundee Contemporary Arts Centre (DCA) - @DCAdundee
Eden Court, Inverness - @EdenCourt
Filmhouse, Edinburgh - @Filmhouse
Glasgow Film Theatre - @GlasgowFilm
Grosvenor Cinema, Glasgow - @GrosvenorCinema
Hippodrome, Bo'ness - @FalkirkCultural
Macrobert, Stirling - @macrobert
Mareel, Shetland - @MareelShetland
The Moray Playhouse - @morayplayhouse
New Picture House, St Andrews - @NPHCinema
Oban Phoenix - @ObanCinema
Pavilion Cinema, Galashiels - @PavilionCinema
Perth Playhouse - @PerthPlayhouse
Pickaquoy Centre, Orkney - @pickyorkney
Robert Burns Centre Film Theatre - @RBCFilmTheatre
Screen Machine, Highlands and Islands - @screen_machine
Thurso Cinema - @ThursoCinema
Waterfront Cinema, Greenock - @WFcinema
Image courtsey Filmhouse